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HappyBulle chooses HiPay to boost growth

The HappyBulle story began in 2011 with Dorothée CAILLEY, who wanted to immortalise her eldest daughter's drawings on jewellery. She developed a unique concept in France: "Turning your children's drawings into jewellery". It proved to be a huge success, and in 2013 she turned her full attention to this project.


A frictionless payment tunnel

HappyBulle wanted to continue improving the payment stage, which is crucial for this pure player site. HappyBulle wanted to go even further in conversion and chose HiPay to help them with payment.

An optimised shopping journey

HappyBulle wanted to be able to easily monitor its key data to get a quick view of their main KPIs and benefit from a smooth payment path for their customers.

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    HiPay offers a full range of solutions to support HappyBulle, including :

    • Clear visibility of their data: Via business reviews by a dedicated Account Manager, centralisation of all their data in real time in the Console tool, etc.

    • A solution to simplify the checkout process: Via the implementation of the Acquirer TRA to avoid the need for strong authentication for each transaction and the implementation of additional payment methods tailored to the merchant's needs.
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      HiPay has enabled us to better monitor the success rate and failures that our customers may encounter during the payment tunnel. Thanks to the switch to HiPay, we have better KPIs and dashboards.

      - Thomas BRUTIN, Deputy Managing Director